Radiation Exposure: two-ounce container
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Have you had a great many X-rays? Do you fly a lot? Are you getting radiation treatments? Work at a national laboratory?
Amla, Tulsi, Turmeric, Guduchi, Pippali, Sea buckthorn, Astragulus and Ginger are traditionally used in Ayurveda for recovery from toxic effects of radiation.
This two-ounce container has this all-organic formula in powder form for $16, or see next product listing for capsules for $20.
The diet after radiation exposure should strengthen ojas and overall be Pitta-pacifying. Foods that contain more intelligence of Nature convert most easily into ojas, the material equivalent of bliss. Eating Miso soup has been shown to be helpful in cases of radiation poisoning. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3695331/
Examples of ojas-producing foods are milk; ghee; whole grains; fresh, organic vegetables and fresh, sweet, juicy fruits, like ripe grapes. Avoid foods that destroy bliss from the ayurvedic perspective: leftovers, red meat, "junk" food, and canned, processed, packaged or frozen foods. These types of foods are difficult to digest and create ama, the toxic waste product of incomplete digestion that underlies most disease, dullness and negative emotions. Rather than looking at the caloric content of food, make sure it alive with nature's spirit
Here are some articles and research suggesting the efficacy of this formula.
This research shows the benefit of using Miso, as demonstated by the people of Nagasaki. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3695331/"Astragalus membranaceus (Huang Qi). Huang Qi is one of the main medical herbs in traditional Chinese medicine. According to traditional Chinese medicine guidelines, Huang Qi generates Qi or the life force, promotes functions of lung, treats lung weakness, helps digestion, improves circulation, and decreases sweating. Huang Qi is commonly used in combination with other herbs.
Modern research has confirmed its immune-potentiating effects. McCulloch et al. performed a meta-analysis in which 34 randomized studies involving 2,815 patients were analyzed. When Huang Qi based herbal medicine was used in conjunction with platinum compounds, tumor response and patients' performance status improved, and chemo induced toxicity reduced. Another review from Cochrane database showed similar findings. In addition, in one study using mouse Lewis Lung cancer model when extracts of Huang Qi and Dang Shen were combined with Paclitaxel, better anti-angiogenesis and anti-metastasis as well as improved survival were demonstrated when compared to paclitaxel alone." https://www.google.com/patents/US8858953
Triphala and Chyvanprash have also been studied for their effect of ridding the body of the effects of radiation. You can read about them in the research from PubMed below. They are sold separately on this page.