Gatherings and Workshops

This takes place in southern New Mexico, next to the Gila Wilderness
Water—how to find water for well, locating the well, types of pumps, grey water, water filter, water catchment
Farm animals—Care, health and building homes for chickens, goats, horses, ducks, geese, rabbits, guineas, dogs and cats.
Gardening—preparing soil, using permaculture for vegetables, fruit and herbs in the high desert
Cooking –with propane and wood. Making your own stove and oven. Cheesemaking. Using healthy oils.
Cooking what you grow—we’ll make lunch together each day. Food provided
Fencing—purpose built fences using the right type and size of fence.
Wildcrafting medicinal plants
Let us know if you are interested and we'll keep you apprised of the date and cost.
Yoga for Health and Enlightenment
Kundalini yoga classes Saturday at 10:00 will give you the exercises to balance your hormones, strengthen your nervous system, learn to control your mind, have the tools to help each organ function optimally and clear the channels for enlightenment.
Classes Can be Arranged for Your Group by contacting us through [email protected]. Please do not pay until you have made arrangements via email. You'll need to pay several days in advance to be included. You will receive an email with each class that shows how to do the yoga set on your own and also a written copy of the yogic understanding of the aspects of our energetic bodies, such as: the layers of the subtle bodies, the chakra system, the way of life of a yogi, eat to be mentally and physically flexible, integrating kundalini energy, and many more.
We will meet each Saturday at 10:00 am mountain standard time. You'll be given the Zoom meeting ID number and password the day before.
Fees. You can pay on this site for one class at a time. It is $10 a class.
Or, you can pay for a month by mailing a money order purchased at a US Post Office (we do not accept other money orders) and mail it to PO Box 11, Santa Clara, NM 88026. There is a discount of $8.00 for this, so you will send the money order for $32 for 4 classes.
Empower yourself to make your health equal your lifespan. Gathering wisdom as we grow older we can benefit ourselves and our communities. This workshop includes techniques from the holisitic systems of Ayurveda and Curanderismo.
This four hour workshop will give you the knowledge to prevent or heal imbalances of the heart, prostate, arthritis, menopause, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's or kidneys. We'll also look at using oils as medicine, examine longevity formulas, and ways to prevent Alzheimer's.
This four-hour workshop will give you the knowledge and tools to use your diet, herbs and lifestyle to heal yourself from imbalance.
Healing Ourselves as We Age, workshop
Shamanic Journeywork

On a shamanic journey one may explore the spiritual universe, contact helping spirits, recover lost energy, or discover more about ourselves and our purpose. The deeper the trance state, the more powerful the experience will be. From the view of the Peruvian shaman, or laika, there are three worlds; the uchu pacha, or lower world; the kay pacha or ordinary reality; and the hanaq pacha or the upper world. Which world one accesses depends on the purpose.
A shaman undertakes a journey consciously and deliberately as the shamanic journey may cause shifts in the kay pacha. Setting our intent we heal the Earth and ourselves.
In tribal cultures the shaman (known by many other names) is the person who sees into the sacred world and shares these visions with the community. The shamanic journey is familiar to the people of Siberia, in Haiti, the Mangar tribe in Nepal, the Malay tribes of the Southern Philippines, to the Dudun on Borneo, and the Russian Voronezh, to the Christians through Jacob's Ladder, Seth's ladder in Egypt, the Sora of India among many others.
This is ancient magic, ancient healing. The visionary world is manifested into the world of humans.